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How to Duplicate Page in WordPress?

Duplicating existing pages is a useful way to create new content efficiently in WordPress. It saves time and effort compared to creating new pages from scratch each time. In this post, we’ll explore how to duplicate pages in WordPress using the Duplicate Page plugin.

WordPress is a widely used content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of all websites. Using plugins like Duplicate Page enhances the core functionality of WordPress. They add specific features like one-click duplication of pages with all the content and settings intact. We’ll look at how to install, configure, and use this plugin to copy any page on your WordPress site.

Installing the Duplicate Page Plugin

Plugins extend the functionality of WordPress by adding tools like page duplication. To use this feature, first install the Duplicate Page plugin.

Log into your WordPress dashboard and go to “Plugins > Add New”. Search for “Duplicate Page” and install the plugin by Click on “Activate” to enable the plugin. This will now allow you to duplicate existing pages from within your WordPress admin.

Using the Duplicate Page Button

Once activated, the Duplicate Page plugin adds a “Duplicate This” button on your WordPress editor when creating or editing a page.

To access it, open any existing page or create a new one. The button appears above the page content editor toolbar. Click it whenever you need to create a duplicate of that particular page.

Selecting the Page to Duplicate

Before creating a duplicate, you first need to open the specific source page that you want to copy.

Go to “Pages” in your WordPress dashboard to see a list of all existing pages on your site. Click the title of the page you want to duplicate. This will open the editor for that page. Now use the Duplicate This button as outlined above.

Duplicating Page Content

When you click the Duplicate This button, it will create an exact copy of the page you are viewing.

The plugin replicates all the content including text, images, videos, and formatting. The duplicate page contains an identical version of the content that was on the original page. This saves a lot of time compared to manually recreating the same content.

Duplicating Page Settings

In addition to the page content, the Duplicate Page plugin also copies over vital page settings and configurations to the duplicated version:

  • Page attributes like the template and featured image
  • SEO-related settings like meta title, description, etc.
  • Sidebars selection
  • Page slug and URL

Duplicating these page settings ensures consistency and minimizes manual configuration.

Naming the Duplicated Page

Once duplicated, you need to give the new page a unique name to distinguish it from the original.

By default, the plugin appends “Copy” to the original page name. But it’s better to provide a more meaningful name reflecting the purpose of the duplicate page. This avoids confusion on the pages list within your WordPress dashboard.

Publishing the Duplicated Page

After naming the page, the final step is to publish it and make the duplicate live on your website.

The plugin saves the new page as a draft by default. Review the duplicated content, and publish it when ready. This will add the copied version alongside the original page on your WordPress site.

Editing the Duplicated Page

A key benefit of duplicating WordPress pages is that you can fully customize the copies as per your needs.

The new page is independent from the original. You can modify the duplicate by adding, removing, or changing elements without affecting the original. This allows the creation of tailored variations of existing pages efficiently.

Practical Tips and Best Practices

Here are some tips for effectively using the Duplicate Page plugin:

  • Maintain a naming convention to identify duplicates
  • Create multiple copies to test variations
  • Delete unnecessary duplications to avoid clutter
  • Use duplication for templates, landing pages, etc.
  • Duplicate popular pages to refresh content

Troubleshooting Common Issues

You may encounter some problems while duplicating pages:

  1. Duplicated page not showing on website – Check if the page is published and not saved as a draft
  2. Images not copying properly – Try re-uploading images or media to the duplicate page
  3. Duplicate option not visible – Ensure the plugin is installed and activated
  4. Page settings not copied – Trying duplicating again and verifying settings were retained


Duplicating pages is a straightforward way to repurpose existing content for new pages in WordPress. The Duplicate Page plugin automates this process allowing you to create copies of pages with all settings intact in a single click. This improves overall website management efficiency.

Leverage page duplication to save time, maintain consistency, create variations, and more. Streamline your workflows by using the Duplicate Page functionality for your WordPress site.

Additional Resources

Read More: How to Change Font in WordPress?

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